Residing in the Borderlands
02.10.2019 19:00 (Einlass) // 19:30 (Beginn)
MIT Malve Lippmann, Can Sungu und Can Candan
Eintritt Frei – Spenden erwünscht
Sprachen Veranstaltung auf Englisch
Duvarlar – Mauern – Walls. Can Candan. 2000. 84 Minuten. (Türkisch, Deutsch, Englisch)
For the fifth session of our film series Residing in the Borderlands we are excited to have with us our neighbors Malve Lippmann and Can Sungu from the Wedding based project space bi’bak. On the occasion of the anniversary of German reunification, we will be screening Can Candan’s documentary Duvarlar – Mauern – Walls. The film documents the moments and thoughts of the immigrant community from Turkey in post-Wall Berlin as witnessed by a Turkish filmmaker coming from the United States just one year after the German reunification. In the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of the two republics, 1991 was a year in which racist violence in Germany became rampant. It was also the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the so-called "guest workers" migration from Turkey to Germany. In this film, immigrants from Turkey talk about their past, present, and possible futures, reflecting on what the fall of the Wall and German reunification meant for them and how increasing hostilities affect their sense of belonging. Can Candan approaches the issue from the periphery, as a filmmaker who is simultaneously an insider and an outsider.
Malve and Can explain their choice as follows:
“We are happy to present Duvarlar – Mauern – Walls one day before the German Unity Day and hope that this documentary will not only refresh our memories related to the first years of reunified Germany, but also offers an alternative perspective to the mainstream narrative on the German reunification process. The official history of the reunification and its impact on German society are still very much dominated by a West-German narrative which consistently excludes the former East-German as well as migrant perspectives. In the dominant repetitive narrative of the euphoric reunification as a “long awaited dream of Germans,” migrant perspectives were and are still ignored in the popular telling of this history. What makes Duvarlar – Mauern – Walls so special is its power of bringing into the spotlight these often ignored voices within the concert of the repetitive narrative. Therefore this film matches perfectly to our mission at bi'bak, where we focus on transnational/post-migrant narratives and offer a space for diverse positions on history, society and politics.”
MALVE LIPPMANN and CAN SUNGU are the co-founders and artistic directors of bi'bak. bi’bak (Turkish: have a look) is a non-profit organization and project space based in Berlin-Wedding, with a focus on transnational narratives, migration, global mobility and their aesthetic dimensions. bi’bak’s program examines diverse disciplines in art, science, and community development, including film screenings, exhibitions, workshops as well as music events and culinary excursions.
Can Candan is an Istanbul-based independent documentary filmmaker, activist and an academic (Boğaziçi University). He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in filmmaking and media arts in the USA (Hampshire College, 1992 and Temple University, 1999). He has taught film and media arts at various universities and institutions in the USA until 2000, and in Turkey since then. He teaches documentary theory-history and mentors projects and theses in film studies and filmmaking, and publishes on documentary cinema in Turkey. He directed and produced three award-winning and internationally distributed feature documentaries: Duvarlar-Mauern-Walls (2000), 3 Hours (2008) and My Child (2013). For My Child, he received a 2013 “Man of the Year” award by GQ Magazine, Turkey for “Public Awareness Project of the Year”. He is currently working on his fourth feature documentary film entitled Nuclear alla Turca.
Unsere monatliche FilmreiheRESIDING IN THE BORDERLANDS versucht, eine neue Kartographie von Berlin durch diasporische Perspektiven zu entwerfen. Im Rahmen unseres diasporischen "place-making", also des Prozesses sich kontinuierlich einen Raum zu erschließen und zu gestalten, werden wir verschiedene Filmwelten untersuchen und dabei sowohl das Visuelle wie das Klangliche berücksichtigen. Durch das filmische Erleben versuchen wir eine andere Daseinsweise zu erreichen, wobei wir Film als eine Art der Bewegung begreifen, die uns in zuvor unvorstellbare Zukünfte zu treiben vermag.
Zu diesem Zweck laden wir zwölf Gäste aus verschiedenen diasporischen Communities und unterschiedlichen Berufsfeldern ein (sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Kultursektors), einen Film zu auszusuchen, der ihre Erfahrungen in der Stadt widerspiegelt. Wenn wir die diasporische Polyphonie, in der wir leben, zu Tage fördern, werden Räume, die uns sonst nur als Fassade am Rande unserer peripheren Sicht erscheinen, zu konkreten Orten, die von den Erfahrungen der Individuen, die sie bewohnen, verkörpert werden.
KURATORinnen Pia Chakraverti-Wuerthwein, Eirini Fountedaki
KOORDINATION Jörg-Peter Schulze
Die Filmreihe wird von der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) gefördert.
Take V hat wurde zudem von der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung unterstützt, was die Anwesenheit des Regisseurs, Can Candan, möglich macht. Wir freuen uns darüber, dass Dr. Massimo Perinelli (RLS) teilnehmen und die Bedeutung des Films für eine migrantische Perspektive auf den Mauerfall kontextualisieren wird.