Agropoetics Reader
Online Launch 02.07.2020 19:00
Mit Benjamin Busch, Binta Diaw, Alex Ungprateeb Flynn & Andreia, Ayesha Hameed, Arlette-Louise Ndakoze, Monaí de Paula Antunes, Lorenzo Sandoval, Cleo Wächter sowie das Agropoetics Team Elena Agudio, Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock, Marleen Boschen, und Onur Çimen
Über Hier könnt ihr am Launch teilnehmen: Jitsi Meeting
The Agropoetics Reader unfolds as a collection of texts that informed, grounded, and nourished SAVVY Contemporary's Soil Is an Inscribed Body: On Sovereignty and Agropoetics (2019), a yearlong exhibition and research project curated by Elena Agudio and Marleen Boschen. The project was conceived in the framework of The Invention of Science, SAVVY Contemporary’s 2019–2020 programme, devoted to questioning the presumed universality and objectivity of the scientific canon. In this context of reflections and cogitations about the epistemic violence perpetrated by the West against other forms of knowledges, Soil Is an Inscribed Body examined anti-colonial struggles of past and current land conflicts across the world in order to address the invasiveness of neo-agro-colonialism and its extractivist logics.
Invited to contribute to the exhibition and to present an artistic position, The Institute of Endotic Research (TIER) proposed to co-edit a publication together with the curators. The path was longer than expected, the diverted tracks were not few (including a pandemic), but here – for the use of readers and many other agropoets – you can find a materialisation of this collaboration. You can linger on a selection of sources that inspired this research and exhibition, retrace the discussions that appeared along the way of its realisation, and engage with the ideas that grounded and sprouted from the project. At the same time, interwoven, you also encounter texts and materials suggested by TIER in dialogue with the curators.
Agropoetics Reader
MIT BEITRÄGEN VON Benji Akbulut, Yemisi Aribisala, Marwa Arsanios, Luis Berríos-Negrón, Filipa César, Marisol de la Cadena, Ayesha Hameed, INLAND, Mijo Miquel, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Huying Ng, Maria Ptqk, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Bouba Touré, Mirellle und Jennifer im Gespräch mit Alex Ungprateeb Flynn, Hervé Yamguen, und den Herausgeber*innen Elena Agudio, Marleen Boschen, and Lorenzo Sandoval.
IN COLLABORATION WITH The Institute of Endotic Research (TIER)
HERAUSGEBER*INNEN Elena Agudio, Marleen Boschen, and Lorenzo Sandoval
MITHERAUSGEBER*INNEN Onur Çimen and Cleo Wächter
DESIGN VON Cleo Wächter