You Hear The Muses Cross the States of Quo?

You hear your heart beat to the rhythm of the earth? You see how it turns with the sun’s attraction? When balance is at heart, and your heart is hurt, there will be Muses heard. They pour sweet wisdom on sour days, lighten the pressure of the clouds, purify the air with the woods incense fire. They light the fire inside you again. One. Two. And. One. Two. Two. And One. You Hear The Muses Cross the States of Quo? You hear Niyabinghi pass and dance, to the rhythm of your heartbeat? On a scale from light to heavy, say, how big is your pain? How strongly do you call on the Muses, how loud do your speakers respond, and what do they say?

Episode #1 The ConunDrums of Niyabinghi 

In times of uncertainty, pain and fragility the power of Muses have particular remedies, able to enhance the lionesses on earth, to the point that they could reverse oppressive forces into revolutionary cosmic balance. One of the lionesses is Niyabinghi, a queen in ancient Egypt of the time of Kush. Centuries later, in parts of Rwanda and Uganda then colonised by Germans, a woman called Muhumusa is told to have been visited by Niyabinghi. She enhanced the revolutionary spirit of the women who consulted her, inspiring them to build a military action against the German oppressors: the Nyabinghi warriors. The women warriors inspired many more critical spirits. Eventually also men. As Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I who defied Italian oppressors, and later inspired a movement in Jamaica, of what is today known as the roots of Reggae: Roots Reggae. It all started with Water, Sun, Earth. And a woman, with the heart of a lioness.

Let us dive into the liberating forces of the Muses, in this first episode of SAVVYZΛΛR’s core team show, calling brightly: You Hear The Muses Cross the States of Quo?

Episode #2 No Harm To Harmony

Lakes of wounded shells = underwater life left to decompose / to the offbeat of an unequal equation bouncing 100% rhythm of nature [(mind the gap) in the feedback! Maximum-salt-to-minimum-sweetwater-sound systems (hear) the chorus] to solve  f’(x) nature’s ratio of saltwater and freshwater ~ that of our body fluids. One. And two. And one-two-two-andn . How many x inputs wait for y to output?

At the shores of decomposed systems, the Muses leave their quill. Crossing words. Setting heartbeats free. From the harms occupying harmony.

Re:Membering: If Balance is at heart – and your heart is hurt – there will be Muses heard –

A SAVVYZΛΛR creation by Arlette-Louise Ndakoze, Kamila Metwaly, and Kelly Krugman in conversation with Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock

From the archive: Lesley-Ann Brown in conversation with Olani Ewunnet, 2018 at SAVVY Contemporary // Elaine Mitchener in Let's Talk Off The Podium with Tigran Arakelyan, 2020 // Mr. Adama, 2019 at Lake Retba in Senegal