For the paramount phase of the exhibition Anybody Who Is Disturbed by Flow of Information – it’s end – SAVVY Contemporary is organising a roundtable to discourse artistic strategies at the junction where art, technology and science crossroads, and also get granular on conceptual approaches towards the realisation of such projects. Another focus of this open discussion will be to look at the interwoven system of ideas (structangle), as seen in Ted Nelson’s concept of hypertextuality. The egality of art pieces as objects, their ability to produce and transfer knowledge, i.e. to “function as scientific or epistemic objects by virtue of their opacity, their surplus, their material transcendence” (H-J. Rheinberger) will also be reflected upon. Therefore, this roundtable will also be an effort to put a spotlight on structangles, hypertextuality, opacity, surplus and material transcendence.

Anybody Who Is Disturbed by Flow of Information explores the interface and brokers between arts, technology and science spheres, while questioning the mechanisms through which these spheres interact with each other, reflecting on interests as well as aversions towards creating synergies between these spheres.

The crux of this exhibition curated by Jung Me Chai is the deliberation on the role of art in the transformation of scientific and technological processes into immediate experiences, while also looking in relation to Western and Non-Western positions.

The roundtable will be enriched with interventions by Paul DeMarinis (artist, Professor at Stanford University, California) and Philipp Kleinmichel (art theorist and philosopher, formerly lecturer at the University for Arts and Design Karlsruhe/ZKM). Yunchul Kim’s C-Ray performance and Jan-Peter ER Sonntag’s presentation will complete the evening and the exhibition.